Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A year isn't that long

Whenever things are bad...whenever we're behind or something unfavorable happens I always tell myself that it could be worse. 

2013 was a year of struggle, heartbreak, bad news, loss...it was a year I would consider deeming slightly worse than most other years. It was a year that taught me that things can creep up on you no matter who you are. No one is invincible, no one is safe...we are all dying, just some of us aren't meant to be here as long as others. 

Despite facing some of life's toughest challenges, there was a silver lining. There were a few silver linings...I am healthy. My son is healthy. My husband is healthy. My family is healthy. My husband has a job. We have a roof over our heads and food in our bellies. Struggle comes in different forms and in different degrees of severity. Whereas some people may complain that they don't have money to go to the movies or out to dinner, I can focus on the fact that a home cooked meal and netflix snuggling with my husband is just as good, if not better, than going out for me. 

I don't want to see the negatives in everything anymore...I want to enjoy the time I have left. I want to enjoy everyone that I care about because I am not naive to the fact that anyone can be plucked from this earth at any time. I KNOW it happens because i've seen it too many times in my 25 short years of life. Not everyone gets the full 90/100 years. I want to feel blessed with all of the positives and treat the negatives as something that will not help me to grow as a human. You cannot simply stack up the negatives, ignore them and not expect them to tumble down and leave you in a pile of their rubble. 

If you choose to see the good and let the bright spots light up the dark days then you will spend your remaining time on this earth feeling like you've made a difference and that you are important. You ARE important. 

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